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May 17, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Bad boys do need good girls.

Sacrifice for those who value thing.

Growth takes time.

Music and pain together is like salt on the burn.

Never give too mush of anything that it loves its value

Black is not just a color, it's a feeling

Star like soul of yours, deserves peaceful vibe like moon

"Sexy" is attitude, not body

Overthinking kills vibes

loyalty attracts trust

Eyes shed feelings as tears

A vibes like mine is impossible to replace

Loyal person is a rare gam

Effort matters

Wait for the unexpected

I am tired of trying to hide, i don't miss you anymore.

I will be with you from dusk till down.

True love always returns. darling, true love actually never leaves.

A kind soul is immortal

With you, till heaven

Just like moon stay with me

Your now is not your FOREVER

Her heart is broken but not her faith

Let them leave you have god

May your smile be real always

Their opinion about you is not your reality

Everyone claims to be kind hearted then who then who breaks innocent hearts?

Apart from god's love, whore will you find peace?

A broken heart knows the reality of humans

Soul like yours, is worth loving

Innocence that lies in us is fatal

Heart becomes heavy at night

A kind heart has the most wounds

If you see beauty in someone, let them know.

And one day, none of these chaos would matter.

I will be with you from dusk till dawn.

We live in a society where everyone is trying to prove us wrong.

Do not let this distance affect our love.

To love...... till death.

Karma-"i saw that,"

Just one thing "stay mine."

Heart doesn't understand logic.

We are all alone in ways no one understands.

My mind is more talkative than my mouth.

Half of a person's beauty comes from their tongue.

Suffering is not holding you, you are holding suffering.

Mentally somewhere else.

Everyone has the right to be pretty.

Your brain taught itself how to talk to itself.

The best view comes from hardest climb.

Heart doesn't understand logic.

Admin it, sometimes you say your true feeling though jokes.

Every time i lie to myself to make me better

Dear beach, I think of you all the time..

Life is a journey..

Growing up doesn't mean you will hurt less.

Don't chase love, love will chase you.

It's easy to give up hope, don't

Your tears make you human

Your soul doesn't need fixing

Minutes turn to hours when i am with you.

Fix yourself and start healing.

Let the fear go and let love in.

Let it go before it starts hurting.

You are a blessing which people take granted for.

Chaos never looked beautiful to me, and then i met you.

No need of pretending who you are anymore

He is a adventure waiting to be discovered 

And that's how we find ourselves, amidst all the chaos

We receive things when we descrve them not when we desire them.

Sometimes pretty faces don't have pretty hearts.

Not everything can be ruined by people

There's no home without love.

Chose yourself first before choosing anyone else.

We need those who stays till the end.