100+ instagram quotes from mumbiker nikhil - MN squad

July 18, 2020 pixel caption 1 Comments

Mumbiker nikhil motivational quotes

Man doesn't get rich with money and fame. he gets rich with knowledge, love and trust.

Not to early, not to soon. do the right thing with a boom.

In reality its only your body which belongs to you. rest everything you just get temporarity.

Learn to be more forgiving but at the same time understand who is not worth for your time and money.

Don't try to learn things which takes years to master in short time. time can be a great teacher.

You don't need to treat someone as bad as they treat you. someone with bad intentions will automatically ruin their own life.

This life is an opportunity. opportunity to cry. smile, love & many more. the end can be a new beginning.

|People who often live in their past may not have a better future.

The biggest strength you can possess is the power of your will.

Success is just a feeling of being positive all the time.

Some bad times act as blessing in disguise. irrespective of the situation talent will always find its way.

Learn to see through all the problems in life. you will find answers.

Good and bad time plays an important part in your life. you just need to understand it.

You don't need a perfect life partner for a perfect life. if you will love the mind than the body. life will be perfect.

Never getting satisfied with things is blessing and curse at the same time.

We are interested in nasty stuff and then we complaint why is the world so bad.

Everybody is a hero in their own story.

Getting less will always keep you wanting more & that is what will keep you satisfied. it's not the destination, it's the journey.

Your body is a gift from god & you have to treat it like a temple. it treat it like a temple. it will act as you treat it.

Some decisions may look wrong today but it will be fruitful tomorrow. and vice versa.

Turning yourself into a good person in today's world might be a tough job to do. but that small change will change the world in the future.

The problem is within us. we want to blame everyone for their mistakes and ingnore ours.

Just because you want to blame someone, that doesn't mean we can pick just anybody.

In the race to make our life better. we often loose the value of life.

Danger is real but fear is not. fear is just a choice.

The sooner you realize what's good and bad for your life, is batter.

Music is a solution to any kind of mental pain.

Even the wise are confused about what is action and what is inaction.

It is batter to live your destiny imperfectly than try to be someone else with perfection.

The secret of human freedom is to act well.

The wise man let go of all results, let it be good or bad and man ius focused on the action alone.

The only right way to live is to live in the present.

Biggest the ego, smaller the mind.

Everything is a lesson. there is nothing lost or wasted in life.

No one who dose good work will ever come to a bad end.

fake is everywhere. real is rare.

Don't cry for what you have lost, if you cannot fight for what you want.

Fight against the wrong things without becoming wrong yourself.

Attention can be addictive.

Someone's tragedy is another's entertainment.

Where there is a fighting there is a money.

When you hate you become toxic and when you love you become beautiful.

Sometimes being a gentleman while fighting can not only damage you but also kill you. you get to fight dirty at times.

You can't win in life if you are not ready to sacrifice.

Having sympathy for the person you dislike shows you are still a good person.

Lust, greed & anger will take you to hell.

Be a good person. that's probably what the world needs now.

Sometimes the things which we want to get rid off will stay with us forever.

We aften judge others by their actions and ourself by our intentions.

Power & money shall not stay with one who can't handle it.

When a person shows disrepect to other person, he is only disrespecting himself.

Love is not complicated it just takes time. you eat food and can't expect it to digest instantly it just takes time.

You are best in your thing. don't compare yourself to someone you see on internet.

Successful people mind their own business.

Worlds are useless to the one who dosen't listen.

A person who is hungry for attention will starve for rest of his life.

You can't eat while you run. similarly you can't take dicisions when you are angry or not in your senses.

If someone calls himself happy by the amount of money he has, then he is the most sad person.

We live in a world where people enjoy joker killing someone more than batman saving someone.

Stronger people aren't afraid of the bully, they are just afraid of what they would do to the bully if they loose their cool.

Everyone has there own true story in which they will be never wrong.

When we run out of ideas then tend to copy others.

The beauty of good and bad time is that is that it doesn't stay forever.

Knowledge is the real wealth that can  accumulate and pass on.

Good or bad, our memories makes us strong.

`Love and hate is equally powerful. one can destroy you and other can destroy everything.

Unsuccessful people mostly blame others for their failures.

Be happy for what you have today. you might loose it tomorrow.

Anger is a storm which can destroy you. calm the anger and let the storm pass.

You don't loose when you fail. you loose when you give up.

This generation will be the most depressed generation. they live to please mankind and not to god.

You can get satisfied with success but you can never get satisfied with fame.

When you play with nature. you are playing with your future.

The world should be improving but it is becoming worse.

Fear can get the worse out of mankind. be responsible & help each other.

May be this is the time god wants to test us.may be this is just to see how strong or weak we are.

People are not interested in the story. they are interested in the drama.

Its easy to get inspired from someones success and not from their failures.

Fear sometimes stops you from seeing the real picture.

You are born to do much more than getting married and having babies. make your life worth living.

When things go bad, find the adventure in it. thats the moment you will remember forever.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean you should never try.

The day stop learning is the day you stop growing.

Sometimes the one who punishes you love you more than the one who show they love you.

You are way smarter than you think you are. you just need to tell yourself  to never stop learning.

Remember there is no loan to pay the price you have paid for your carelessness.

A perfect life has to go through alot of imperfect time to be perfect.

Focus less on the past and more on the future. cause that will decide your present then,

Do it because you want to do it and not because someone wants you do it.

There is no bigger happiness to make your parents proud or for them to make their children happy.


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