most popular caption 2020

May 05, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Somedays we need inner place more then company.

Trust intuitions more than tongue.

Do not knock doors which weren't supposed to be closed in the first place.

If you are conna play, play it lecit or don't play at all

Breathe and remember who the fuck you are.

The demons in them isn't your battle to fight

Be soft, but not weak. be strong but not vlolent.

Letting go becomes easy when you are finally tired.

It's not about the place , it's about the people you meet.

I will look back. but. i well not come back.

Your insecurities will be used against you.

They say sky is the limit. i say f*ck your limits.

Small circle, but all loyal.

People come back stronger.

May your sown seeds never grow in to dissapointment

By the time humans realise where it all went wrong, it's late.

Hope will make you do unbelievable things.

It takes nothing to join the crowd but, it takes everthing to stand alone.

Learne to welcome both failure and success equally.

History doesn't talk about quitters.

Let your bad days create better tomorrows.

Don't read chaptersd of victory loudly if you read chaters of defeat silently.

There are good times, there are bed times, hopefully are no wasted lessons.

Stop being a lil bitch and work hard.

You can have results or excuses. not both.

Your opinion about self is what they call secret ingredient.

If your parentds still need to work, keep kgrinding

I notice everthings but i keep my mouth shut.

If u going through hell, keep going. why would you stop in hell?

Don't play with those who count you in their family.