50+ best motivational quotes for success - pixel captions

May 25, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Direction is so much more important then speed. some are going nowhere fast.

It's okay to live a life others don't understand.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

The climp is tough, but the view from the top is worth it.

Do something you love and you will never have a problem with mondays.

Never tell anyone outside the family what you're thinking.

A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. you earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.

Their opinions don't pay your bills

The wrong girl will distract you. the right girl will motivate the hell out of you.

Have more then you show, speak less than you know.

Instead of  netflix and chill hustle and chill like this.

One day these 5 am's will make you a legend.

It's all the little moments that make life a big adventure.

Patience is when you're supposed to get mad, but you choose to understand.

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch, but on its own wings.

When you come out of z storm, you won.t be the same person that walked in. that's what storms are all about.

Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knoes.

Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.

Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered.

They call us dreamers, but we are the ones who don't sleep.

Sometimes, you just have to play the fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you.

It;s not about who's real to ypur face. it's about who stays loyal behind your back.

The caterpillar grows wings during a season of isolation. remember that the next time you're alone.

Learn to sit back and observe. not everything needs a reaction.

At this stage in my life, it's either peace or nothing.

If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

Turn your pain into power and your visions into victory.

Look out for those who look out for you. loyalty is everything.

Never let the outside noise affect your inner peace. negativity doesn't deserve your energy.

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

Circle got smaller. vision got clearer.

What you allow is what will continue.

At times. you have to walk your path alone. it can be hard, but those are the times that build character and make you even stronger.

The day you lose everything is the day you'll know who your real friends are.

begin and end each day with a grateful heart.

I don't need easy, i just need possible.

Be with someone who treats you like a destination, not a stop along the way.

Discipline weighs ounces. regret weighs tons.

You don't get a refund on time wasted.

Just because i walk alone doesn't mean i'm lost.

Victory is always possible for the one who refuses to stop fighting.

If it is real, it will never be over.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.

A fresh start isn't a place, it is a mindset.

Life happens. adapt. embrace change, and make the most of everything that comes your way.

Loyalty isn't a word, it is a lifestyle.

Sending love to everyone who's trying their that they don't discuss.

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.

How you make others feel says a lot about who you are.

Listen to silence. it has so much to say.

The ability to observe without judgement is the highest from of intelligence.

Confuse them with your silence and amaze them with your actions.

Your battle is my battle. we fight together.

Use the pain as fule keep going.

What defines a not winning, but rising after defeat.

The best view comes after the hardest climb.

It takes a strong person to do their own thing & not wait for anybody else to validate their existence.
pain is real.. but so is hope..

One day this pain will make sense to you.

Sometimes you have to be alone to truly know your worth.