110+ Best Great men Quotes in 2020 | Quotes - pixel captions

July 29, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Best Great men Quotes in 2020 | Quotes - pixel captions

I understand you are busy but your active now and still not replying back, simply tears me apart.

Work hard untill you feel would tour is cheap.

Surround yourself with people who make you better.

I am alone because i know people.

The best relationship aren't posted all over social media.

When life fuck you. it's your choice to take it as a fun or rape.

Work smart, act like you don't notice anything.

Don't judge me choices if you don't understand my reasons.

They want to fly first class, i want to own the plane.

It's the quite observer who sees the most.

Nothing is more important than loyalty.

Instead of crying after breakup get membership in brazzers.

Bro money is a tool not the goal don't forget that.

Music helps me when no one else does.

A child will follow your example more than your advice.

Women is art but i am a science student.

Let them hate. just make sure they spell your name right.

I hope this day never comes.

I told you what hurts me the most and you did it perfectly.

The guy with no haters.

Get up bro you are not born just to cry for girl and die.

One day you will realize that i am the one who's always been there.

Before you get attached to anyone, be prepared if they leave.  

When they left, they left a lesson.

I love listening to lies when i know the truth.

Women don't care about you when you are alone. they only care about you when they are alone.

I don't care how beautiful you are if your personality is ugly, you're ugly.

Never lose the kid in you.

Sweet as sugar cold as ice hurt me once i'll break you twice.

Don't let two women teach you the same lesson.

Being alone is a power, very few can handle.

Try removing your birthday from social media and no one will wish you expect mom.

Years changed players changed but sending the ball out of the park still no changed. he proved age doesn't matters at all.

Most of the men are heartbroken, even without dating a girl.

No one made me, i made me.

Playboys are not born bad, they are developed by some bad girls in the name of love.

Find someone you can build with not just chill with.

6 months of focus and hardwork can put you 5 years ahead of life.

Whether it';s a goal or winning a game, i'm never satisfied.

Grades doesn't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity.

Others people's opinions don't pay the bills.

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

It's you vs you! make sure you win.

Be like an otp, so no one can use you twice.

I feel sorry for the new guy who posted a selfie with her.

Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it actually takes.

Stop texting her first and see how you will never talk to her again.

Once again money, fame and looks couldn't buy happiness.

The reality has proven to be so different than what we see from the outside.

Girls are like moon, part of them age always hidden.

Be somebody nobody thought you could be.

Now i don't make mistakes because i already dated them.

Never run for a bus, train or woman, because when one leaves, another arrives.

No pain, no gain one aim, own game.

Comeback is always greater than setback.

Every master was once a beginner.

The limit is not in the sky, the limit is in the mind.

Don't cry for her, she killed your smile.

My speed limit depends on my mood and music i'm hearing.

Thanks for the pain, it made me raise my game.

If you want to live like a king then you have to work like a slave.

You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want.

They may forget your birthday, but your fans will never forget.

Lonely is not being alone, it's the feeling that no one cares.

Sun is alone too, but it still shines.

I lost you, but i found me so i win.

Yes, i'm stupid and the reason is i trusted you.

Bro trust me, your goals are higher than the standard of these girls.

Every story has a moral, mine was never to fall in love again.

Love is like tornado, once you got stucked better be ready to get fucked.

Daddy's money can't buy you balls.

Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.

Today i saw our old chats and fucking realized that how stupid i was.

Actually i'm not single. i'm in open relationship with success,

She rejected me because of my looks now her son is fan of my looks.

Everyone is gangstar until the real gangster arrives.

If you are happy with your work, fuck what people think.
Bro, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the world stop lying to your girlfriend.

I sit down and think that how easily i was fooled by you babe.

Girlfriend is only found in the life of fools.

A real man knows that one woman is enough.

If i'm your plan 'b' then you are my plan 'bye'.

Makeup makes women better, breakup makes man better.

If lying was a job i know some people who would be a billionaire.

Be like an otp, so no one can use you twice.

Be a man who deal with business not with drama.

I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and i had water then i'd drink it.

When you're happy you enjoy the music, when you're sad you understand the lyrics.

Maturity comes with experience not age.

It's you vs you. make sure you win.

Do less with more focus.

Stop caring and she will stop hurting.

Nope baby, no time for your bullshit today.

Not happy not sad, just empty.

She doesn't care about you when you are alone. she only care about you when she is alone.

Work hard until you feel world tour is cheap.

You didn't replay but i got your message.

Go to sleep bro, she is not thinking about you.

Strong man don't have attitude, they have standard.

You lose lot of friends when you get serious about life and goals.

Love can be fake, but the hate is always real.

Love is easy but king is busy.

Cars  excite me more than girls.

One day or day one its your choice.

For you, i was a chapter. for me,