Best Winter Quotes - Quotes on people who survive in cold winter -pixel caption

December 12, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Best Winter Quotes - Quotes on people who survive in cold winter -pixel caption 

Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters you will too....

And winter's stars do shiver with a wise to fall as snow; landing gently on the earth, melting into life below.

Winter echoed to the snow, "I'm old enough to meet my soul's deepest glow."

Take me deep into the wintry woods where hope glitters freshly worn.

She can't stay spring forever her leaves will chill but change is just what she needs to heal and rebuild.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost: the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not frost.

Winter sunlight is a warm old soul, spreading love in the bitter cold.

I refuse to leave this house until the temperature is higher than my age.

This winter let the wind of hope to blow, create vibes and memories be a little more passionate soul!

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.

Cold hands warm heart.

May this winter shed away the leaves of all negatlvirm.....

Its officially once i'm home i aint going back out season.

In the still of winter i quietly healed the heartbreak of summer.

If kindness was snow i'd send you a blizzard.

Dear sun, please go to settings and turn up your brightness. thank you.

No winter lasts forever no spring skips it's turn.

Spring is the first kiss of summer.

I love it on christmas day when a label on a present says "from mom & dad" and you just know that dad has absolutely no idea what's inside.

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.

It's december now so i can stop worrying about sweating off my makeup and start worrying about my nose running and ruining it.

The weather outside is frightful. but the wine is so delightful.

Its so freaking cold outside i just keyed someones car with my nipples by accident!

We can watch the snow fall forever and ever.

It literally feels like january 74th

Snow place like home.

Dear summer, i'm sorry for the things i said when i was sweating. please come back.

Winter: you lust for my skin but when i am finally in your grasp, your season turns to winter and alone, the quiet your only seduction.

Glamour is a state of mind.

January is like monday... but longer..

The cold actually bothers the rest of us.

The color of springtime is in the flowers; the color of winter is in the imagination.

When it snows, you have two choices shovel or make snow angels.

I m sorry for the things i said when it was winter.

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.



Arabic quotes and caption - pixel captions

December 11, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

Arabic quotes and caption - pixel captions

Kind words cost nothing.

Love however is no respecter of reason.

Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.

Do not deny someone who sees you home.

Leave the past where it belongs.

What makes you different, makes you beautiful.

Sometimes you think you want to disapper, but but all you really want is to be found.

Sometimes one must travel far to find what is near!

Speak without offending.

Listen without defending.

Love without depending.

Live without pretending.

Sometimes we wish to sleep so we can forget. and sometimes, we wish to forget so we can sleep.

See it for what it is not what you want it to be.

Don't care about those who ignore you. care about those who ignore everyone else for you.

If the full moon loves you why worry about the stars?

Be a rose in someones life.

When the story ends we start feeling it.

Nothing will happen to us except what god has written for us.

Not everyone you lose is a loss.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

And i say to myself: A moon will rise from my darkness.

The first love doesn't die, but the real love comes to bury it alive.

Give people a chance to earn your trust. if they keep it they're keepers. if they lose it they lose you. and that's their loss.

What is gone, is gone.

What is coming is batter then what is gone.

I suffered, i learned, i changed.



BF and brother quotes | Quotes About Brother And Boyfriend - pixel captions

December 08, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

BF and brother quotes | Quotes About Brother And Boyfriend - pixel captions

The only enemy you can't live without. 

I don't know how to thank you but i'm lucky to have you in my life.

The salvatore's may fight like dogs, but in the end they'd die for eachother.

Always remember, no one can love you more than your family. If someone does, either that person is from your family or has become a part of it.

Wholehearted brothers are inviolable and invincible.

Brothers are what best friends can never be.

The one who never gives compliments to his sister on her face..

You're my tom, i'm your jerry.. i'll always keep fighting with you..]

New life begins from your changes, so change yourself for the good things to have a good life.

Awared are not important for the intelligent people. because intelligence is the greatest award than everything.

Be an intelligent one not a brilliant one.

People think they're my best friends! but i consider them as my second family!

A sister who sincerely follows the advices of a brother is always on the right track!!'

Sibling is the one who mocks you more and loves you more, because their love is unmeasurable.

Make yourself strong to achieve whatever you want.

Have a smile in your face to have a positive intaking of everything.

Be loyal to your work not to the fake people.

Talk to yourself, and question your inner self to know the advantage and disadvantage in you.

There is a positivity in negativity and there is a negativity in positivity, but it will not reach you until you feel it.

New life commence from the new advent.

I love him for no reason, i hate him for no reason, he knows my secrets, he shares my happiness, he helps me at my hard times, he is my brother.

Discouragement will encourage you to achieve the goal.

Awareness will build your life with positivity.

Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

Work without tense to reach the incredible position.

There is no light without the sun, and there is no success without the failures.

Wben parents fail to support you, you will always find a brother beside you..

A brother who forces you to focus in life is a blessing.

He is my brother from another mother.. but he shows more love and care like a blooded brother..

When my brother supports me, even the failure seems hopeful to me!!

Northing is more beautiful then a brother who acts like a bestiee with his sister.

Create a unique identity by manifesting your ability.

A person who is there when you need him; someone who pinks you up when you fall; a person who sticks up for you when no one else will; a brother is always a friend.

A girl who have a brother is never out of blessing!!

There's always a person in everyone's life, whom we can never replace.. 

Bliss will get settled in you when the evil thoughts are expelled from you.

Sisters, who call their siblings as BROTHERS are hand-picks poloticians.

Profession is the first wife, which is more important for life.

Blessing is a myth my brother is the truth.

I can't promise to solve all problems. but i can promise that you won't have to face them alone brother.


50+ Cafe quotes ideas in 2021 | cafe quotes - pixel captions

December 06, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

50+ Cafe quotes ideas in 2021 | cafe quotes - pixel captions

I'd much rather hang out in a cafe. that's where things are really happening.

New chapters. new outlooks. new goals. new stories.

A good life is a collection of happy moments.

A friendship with coffee can solve most of your tantrums.

This home runs on love & coffee.

Coffee and friends make the perfect blend.

If you want a different results, try a stronger coffee.

Turn your dreams into magic. to wake up in sunshine, to be the colour of sunset and at last melt with the last wave of the evening.

Defeat them with the miracle you've created.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it looks like work.

Dress up wounds with a drop of love.

An easy way to make your water taste better is to simply add coffee.

COFFEE : Liquid that smells like fresh ground heaven.

Good juice, good mood.

To day. good mood is sponsored by coffee.

With coffee, anything will be alright!

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.

Humanity runs on coffee.

I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening music.

The distance we are experiencing is temporary but the love we share is permanent!

All you need is love and a cup of matcha.

These mini cups of deliciousness are scientifically proven to keep little ones silent and still for up to five minutes.

Always time for another.

Built by dreamers for dreamers.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent.

You can't please everyone. that's caffeines responsibilty.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance inn the rain.

Just one more sip please.


life success motivational quotes | Motivational Quotes ideas in 2021 : pixel caption

December 04, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

life success motivational quotes 

A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other.

Respect all but fear no one.

When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome leave of freedom.

Don't be after to walk alone don't be afraid to like it!

Relax and start enjoying your journey.

Always remember that you can have the worst days of your life and a few weeks later you can have the best days of your life. keep pushing through.

To everything, i've every lost: thank you for setting me free.

Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear.

Pay attention to who you're with when you feel your best.

Don't be afraid of being alone. eagles fly alone. pigeons fly in the hero

You're not like the others, and that's not just okay, it's fuckin beautiful.

When the wrong people leave your life, the right things start to happen.

I chase goals, not people.

Smart people know when to play studio.

Best way to earn respect is by treating others with respect.

Dear me one day i'll buy you this rolls-royce, i promise.

Sexy never goes out of style.

You can either be angry for what you do have.

Your child will follow your example, not your advice.

Whenever your girl is mad at you give her food and she will be okay in few minutes.

Time has a way of showing us what really matters in life.

Don't let your loyalty because slavery.

My biggest hobby is to sit and think what will i buy when i become a billionaire.

It's not how much money you make, it's how much money you keep.

Some women are "once in a lifetime" type of females, there is no upgrade after her.

Time won't make you forget, it will make you grow and understand things.

Sometimes it takes the worst pain to bring about the best change.

Never lose hope. just when you think it's over... god sends you a miracle.

Burn your bad habits, before they burn you.

Your battle is my battle, we fight together.

One beautiful heart is better than a thousand beautiful faces,

The goal is to be rich not to look rich.

Sometimes you have to keep your good news to yourself, not everyone is genuinely happy for you.

"rule number !." Don't forget god when you get what you've prayed for.

History will remember me.

Be obsessed with your own potential.

5 years latter, you will laugh at things you are crying for today. Smile, time heals everything.

Get up earlier stay longer work harder fail fail again never ever quit.

I went through my darkest time alone, so sorry if i act like i don't need anyone.

The most important lesson i learned recently is there's no need to rush the process. what's meant for you will always find a way to you.

Dear dad, one day i'll make you proud i promise.



Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

December 03, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

 Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

 Believe in what you prayed for.

With the right person, you don't have to work so hard to be happy. it just happens.

5 years later, you will laugh at things you are crying for today. smile, time heals everything.

The journey is yours. Enjoy each and every step.

When i was a kid i used to admire educated people, but now i realized well mannered people are better then well educated ones.

Some men think women want money, cars, and gifts. but the right effort, passion, honesty, loyalty, smile, and him choosing to put her as his priority.

I'm 100% confident that my mothers prayers have saved my life more times than i can imagine.

Better days are coming.

No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.

skip everything, but never skip praying.

One bad chapter doesn't mean your story's over.

Never sacrifice your mental health, at any cost.

Many died at your age. don't forget to thank god for keeping you alive.

There's a message in the way a person treats you just listen.

Don't compare yourself to others. there's no comparison between the sun and the moon. they shine when it's their time.

Mothers don't fear death. they're afraid of leaving behind their children knowing that nobody will love and cars for them as she did.

Single doesn't mean lonely. relationship doesn't mean happy.

Listener needs a listener too.

Nobody can make you happy if you aren't happy inside.

Never lose hope. just when you think it's over... god sends you a miracle.

You don't get the same me twice. the 2nd version doesn't come with emotion.

Random question: are you happy?

If you love too hard just stay single because people in this generation don't appreciate that shit anymore.

Enjoy every moment you have. because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. make sure it's all worth it.

Dear god, i may not understand why everything is happening in my life right now but i just wanted to say i trust you.

I only have one life and i want to live it with you.

I wish i had the power to ignore you, like you ignore me.

Some people always smile because they know smiling is easier then explaining why they are sad.

Tell my mistakes to me not others, because my mistakes are corrected by me not by others.

Yes, i'm smiling because god is always teaching me to be strong.

Slow replies makes feel unimportant.

Love is perfect when it's true.

Can i just be a little kid again? no stress, no worried, just fun.

A story of modern love. " two people, both waiting to text first.

I still love you but i don't need you anymore.. because i have learned how to control my emotions.

If you fall in love be ready for the tears too because tears is the last gift of love..

That sleep after you cry you eyes out hits differently.

I killed my own happiness in such  young loving someone more than myself.

People who notice your silence. care about you.

Don't assume too much. if you expect less, you might hurt less.