60+ Best Billionaire quotes in 2020 | Billionaire captions - pixel captions

August 31, 2020 pixel caption 0 Comments

60+ Best Billionaire quotes in 2020 | Billionaire captions - pixel captions

They told me you can't pass this interview. so i became the boss.

Being alone has a power very few can handle.

When you build in silence, people don't know what to attack.

If it scares you it's a sign you need to do it.

Success hugs you in private. failure slaps you in public that's life.

King is king even without queen always remember that.

Your strongest muscle and your worst enemy, is your mind. train it well.

Don't let small minds tell you that your dreams are too big.

I am motivated by world's most powerful drug.. money.

Kids love superman men love batman but legends love joker.

I don't give anyone a reason to hate me. they create their own little drama out of jealousy

Thank you for not believing in me, it made me believe in myself.

If you see me less, i'm doing more.

You can't do epic shit with basic people.

Less people less bullshit.

Earn with your mind, not your time.

One day you'll call me and get a replay from my assistant.

Good things take time.

No time for negative and fake people.

Classy is not money it's attitude.

I will win, not immediately but definitely.

What others think of me is none of my business.

Depend on yourself make shit happen.

Build a life you don't need a vacation from.

Take the risk or lose the chance.

Being average is something i can't relate to.

Finish what you started.

Hustle or get hustled.

They laughed at my dreams now i laugh at their lifestyle.

It always seems impossible untill it is done.

I never liked easy.

Success is 80% attitude and 20% aptitude.

The less you care, the happier you'll be.

Don't forget the lifestyle you have promised to yourself.

I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.

Bro, buy a rose for yourself. take yourself on date. forgive yourself for your mistakes fall in love with yourself again.

Some will open your eyes and some will open your heart.

We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.

Money is the first need. love is the second.

I just need a person who can listen to me when i'm not talking.

Rejection is the injection of progression.

Being rich is having money. being wealthy is having time.

Everyone isn't proud of you. some are surprised that you made it big.

I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now i realize, it's a comedy.

Don't talk just prove them wrong.

Dear boys, no girl in this world is more important than your mom.

I work hard so that i can give my family the life i never had.

Nothing is more attractive than loyalty.

I'm a simple  person with a complicated mind and a sexy body.

They said i changed a lot. i said, a lot changed me.

When money speaks, nobody checks the grammar.

success is not lucky. success is built.

If you are important to her she will find a way. if not, she will find a way. if not, she will find an 

Nothing is stronger than a broken man rebulding himself.

Nothing saves money like being anti-social.

My goal is to build a life where i answer to no one.

Whatever you do, do it 100%.

I must be successful there is no other option.

One day, the people who didn't believe in you will tell others how they met you.

Less people = less drama keep your circle small.

Don't focus on other brands build your own brand.

Everything you wanted is on the other side of fear.

I love listening to lies when i know the truth.

Don't be one of a million. be one in a million.

Never lose the kid in you.

Trust yourself you've survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming.

Good women are hard to find because they are busy working.

I am loyal to who is loyal to me.

People only treat you one way. the way you allow them to.

It's business! leave your emotions at the door!

You never know how close you are so never give up on your dreams.

If you have the power to go alone in restaurant & cinema hall then you can do everything in your life.

The less we talk the more our words mean.

The less you care , the happier you will be.

Yes, i changed because the old version of me was so weak.

Suffer until you succeed.

Don't forget the lifestyle you have promised to yourself.

My back is not a voicemail. say it on my face.

My under eye area maybe dark but my future will be bright and that is more important.

Make friends who force you to level up.

Stop overthinking and creating problems that do not exist in the first place.

If you want to go big, stop thinking small.

I've never seen a hater doing better than me.

If she motivates the hell out of you, she is a keeper.

I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.

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