Best Winter Quotes - Quotes on people who survive in cold winter -pixel caption

Best Winter Quotes - Quotes on people who survive in cold winter -pixel caption 

Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters you will too....

And winter's stars do shiver with a wise to fall as snow; landing gently on the earth, melting into life below.

Winter echoed to the snow, "I'm old enough to meet my soul's deepest glow."

Take me deep into the wintry woods where hope glitters freshly worn.

She can't stay spring forever her leaves will chill but change is just what she needs to heal and rebuild.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost: the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not frost.

Winter sunlight is a warm old soul, spreading love in the bitter cold.

I refuse to leave this house until the temperature is higher than my age.

This winter let the wind of hope to blow, create vibes and memories be a little more passionate soul!

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.

Cold hands warm heart.

May this winter shed away the leaves of all negatlvirm.....

Its officially once i'm home i aint going back out season.

In the still of winter i quietly healed the heartbreak of summer.

If kindness was snow i'd send you a blizzard.

Dear sun, please go to settings and turn up your brightness. thank you.

No winter lasts forever no spring skips it's turn.

Spring is the first kiss of summer.

I love it on christmas day when a label on a present says "from mom & dad" and you just know that dad has absolutely no idea what's inside.

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.

It's december now so i can stop worrying about sweating off my makeup and start worrying about my nose running and ruining it.

The weather outside is frightful. but the wine is so delightful.

Its so freaking cold outside i just keyed someones car with my nipples by accident!

We can watch the snow fall forever and ever.

It literally feels like january 74th

Snow place like home.

Dear summer, i'm sorry for the things i said when i was sweating. please come back.

Winter: you lust for my skin but when i am finally in your grasp, your season turns to winter and alone, the quiet your only seduction.

Glamour is a state of mind.

January is like monday... but longer..

The cold actually bothers the rest of us.

The color of springtime is in the flowers; the color of winter is in the imagination.

When it snows, you have two choices shovel or make snow angels.

I m sorry for the things i said when it was winter.

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.


Arabic quotes and caption - pixel captions

Arabic quotes and caption - pixel captions

Kind words cost nothing.

Love however is no respecter of reason.

Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.

Do not deny someone who sees you home.

Leave the past where it belongs.

What makes you different, makes you beautiful.

Sometimes you think you want to disapper, but but all you really want is to be found.

Sometimes one must travel far to find what is near!

Speak without offending.

Listen without defending.

Love without depending.

Live without pretending.

Sometimes we wish to sleep so we can forget. and sometimes, we wish to forget so we can sleep.

See it for what it is not what you want it to be.

Don't care about those who ignore you. care about those who ignore everyone else for you.

If the full moon loves you why worry about the stars?

Be a rose in someones life.

When the story ends we start feeling it.

Nothing will happen to us except what god has written for us.

Not everyone you lose is a loss.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

And i say to myself: A moon will rise from my darkness.

The first love doesn't die, but the real love comes to bury it alive.

Give people a chance to earn your trust. if they keep it they're keepers. if they lose it they lose you. and that's their loss.

What is gone, is gone.

What is coming is batter then what is gone.

I suffered, i learned, i changed.


BF and brother quotes | Quotes About Brother And Boyfriend - pixel captions

BF and brother quotes | Quotes About Brother And Boyfriend - pixel captions

The only enemy you can't live without. 

I don't know how to thank you but i'm lucky to have you in my life.

The salvatore's may fight like dogs, but in the end they'd die for eachother.

Always remember, no one can love you more than your family. If someone does, either that person is from your family or has become a part of it.

Wholehearted brothers are inviolable and invincible.

Brothers are what best friends can never be.

The one who never gives compliments to his sister on her face..

You're my tom, i'm your jerry.. i'll always keep fighting with you..]

New life begins from your changes, so change yourself for the good things to have a good life.

Awared are not important for the intelligent people. because intelligence is the greatest award than everything.

Be an intelligent one not a brilliant one.

People think they're my best friends! but i consider them as my second family!

A sister who sincerely follows the advices of a brother is always on the right track!!'

Sibling is the one who mocks you more and loves you more, because their love is unmeasurable.

Make yourself strong to achieve whatever you want.

Have a smile in your face to have a positive intaking of everything.

Be loyal to your work not to the fake people.

Talk to yourself, and question your inner self to know the advantage and disadvantage in you.

There is a positivity in negativity and there is a negativity in positivity, but it will not reach you until you feel it.

New life commence from the new advent.

I love him for no reason, i hate him for no reason, he knows my secrets, he shares my happiness, he helps me at my hard times, he is my brother.

Discouragement will encourage you to achieve the goal.

Awareness will build your life with positivity.

Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

Work without tense to reach the incredible position.

There is no light without the sun, and there is no success without the failures.

Wben parents fail to support you, you will always find a brother beside you..

A brother who forces you to focus in life is a blessing.

He is my brother from another mother.. but he shows more love and care like a blooded brother..

When my brother supports me, even the failure seems hopeful to me!!

Northing is more beautiful then a brother who acts like a bestiee with his sister.

Create a unique identity by manifesting your ability.

A person who is there when you need him; someone who pinks you up when you fall; a person who sticks up for you when no one else will; a brother is always a friend.

A girl who have a brother is never out of blessing!!

There's always a person in everyone's life, whom we can never replace.. 

Bliss will get settled in you when the evil thoughts are expelled from you.

Sisters, who call their siblings as BROTHERS are hand-picks poloticians.

Profession is the first wife, which is more important for life.

Blessing is a myth my brother is the truth.

I can't promise to solve all problems. but i can promise that you won't have to face them alone brother.

50+ Cafe quotes ideas in 2021 | cafe quotes - pixel captions

50+ Cafe quotes ideas in 2021 | cafe quotes - pixel captions

I'd much rather hang out in a cafe. that's where things are really happening.

New chapters. new outlooks. new goals. new stories.

A good life is a collection of happy moments.

A friendship with coffee can solve most of your tantrums.

This home runs on love & coffee.

Coffee and friends make the perfect blend.

If you want a different results, try a stronger coffee.

Turn your dreams into magic. to wake up in sunshine, to be the colour of sunset and at last melt with the last wave of the evening.

Defeat them with the miracle you've created.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it looks like work.

Dress up wounds with a drop of love.

An easy way to make your water taste better is to simply add coffee.

COFFEE : Liquid that smells like fresh ground heaven.

Good juice, good mood.

To day. good mood is sponsored by coffee.

With coffee, anything will be alright!

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.

Humanity runs on coffee.

I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening music.

The distance we are experiencing is temporary but the love we share is permanent!

All you need is love and a cup of matcha.

These mini cups of deliciousness are scientifically proven to keep little ones silent and still for up to five minutes.

Always time for another.

Built by dreamers for dreamers.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent.

You can't please everyone. that's caffeines responsibilty.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance inn the rain.

Just one more sip please.

life success motivational quotes | Motivational Quotes ideas in 2021 : pixel caption

life success motivational quotes 

A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other.

Respect all but fear no one.

When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome leave of freedom.

Don't be after to walk alone don't be afraid to like it!

Relax and start enjoying your journey.

Always remember that you can have the worst days of your life and a few weeks later you can have the best days of your life. keep pushing through.

To everything, i've every lost: thank you for setting me free.

Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear.

Pay attention to who you're with when you feel your best.

Don't be afraid of being alone. eagles fly alone. pigeons fly in the hero

You're not like the others, and that's not just okay, it's fuckin beautiful.

When the wrong people leave your life, the right things start to happen.

I chase goals, not people.

Smart people know when to play studio.

Best way to earn respect is by treating others with respect.

Dear me one day i'll buy you this rolls-royce, i promise.

Sexy never goes out of style.

You can either be angry for what you do have.

Your child will follow your example, not your advice.

Whenever your girl is mad at you give her food and she will be okay in few minutes.

Time has a way of showing us what really matters in life.

Don't let your loyalty because slavery.

My biggest hobby is to sit and think what will i buy when i become a billionaire.

It's not how much money you make, it's how much money you keep.

Some women are "once in a lifetime" type of females, there is no upgrade after her.

Time won't make you forget, it will make you grow and understand things.

Sometimes it takes the worst pain to bring about the best change.

Never lose hope. just when you think it's over... god sends you a miracle.

Burn your bad habits, before they burn you.

Your battle is my battle, we fight together.

One beautiful heart is better than a thousand beautiful faces,

The goal is to be rich not to look rich.

Sometimes you have to keep your good news to yourself, not everyone is genuinely happy for you.

"rule number !." Don't forget god when you get what you've prayed for.

History will remember me.

Be obsessed with your own potential.

5 years latter, you will laugh at things you are crying for today. Smile, time heals everything.

Get up earlier stay longer work harder fail fail again never ever quit.

I went through my darkest time alone, so sorry if i act like i don't need anyone.

The most important lesson i learned recently is there's no need to rush the process. what's meant for you will always find a way to you.

Dear dad, one day i'll make you proud i promise.


Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

 Life Quotes ideas | Life Quotes Inspiring the Happy - pixel captions

 Believe in what you prayed for.

With the right person, you don't have to work so hard to be happy. it just happens.

5 years later, you will laugh at things you are crying for today. smile, time heals everything.

The journey is yours. Enjoy each and every step.

When i was a kid i used to admire educated people, but now i realized well mannered people are better then well educated ones.

Some men think women want money, cars, and gifts. but the right effort, passion, honesty, loyalty, smile, and him choosing to put her as his priority.

I'm 100% confident that my mothers prayers have saved my life more times than i can imagine.

Better days are coming.

No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.

skip everything, but never skip praying.

One bad chapter doesn't mean your story's over.

Never sacrifice your mental health, at any cost.

Many died at your age. don't forget to thank god for keeping you alive.

There's a message in the way a person treats you just listen.

Don't compare yourself to others. there's no comparison between the sun and the moon. they shine when it's their time.

Mothers don't fear death. they're afraid of leaving behind their children knowing that nobody will love and cars for them as she did.

Single doesn't mean lonely. relationship doesn't mean happy.

Listener needs a listener too.

Nobody can make you happy if you aren't happy inside.

Never lose hope. just when you think it's over... god sends you a miracle.

You don't get the same me twice. the 2nd version doesn't come with emotion.

Random question: are you happy?

If you love too hard just stay single because people in this generation don't appreciate that shit anymore.

Enjoy every moment you have. because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. make sure it's all worth it.

Dear god, i may not understand why everything is happening in my life right now but i just wanted to say i trust you.

I only have one life and i want to live it with you.

I wish i had the power to ignore you, like you ignore me.

Some people always smile because they know smiling is easier then explaining why they are sad.

Tell my mistakes to me not others, because my mistakes are corrected by me not by others.

Yes, i'm smiling because god is always teaching me to be strong.

Slow replies makes feel unimportant.

Love is perfect when it's true.

Can i just be a little kid again? no stress, no worried, just fun.

A story of modern love. " two people, both waiting to text first.

I still love you but i don't need you anymore.. because i have learned how to control my emotions.

If you fall in love be ready for the tears too because tears is the last gift of love..

That sleep after you cry you eyes out hits differently.

I killed my own happiness in such  young loving someone more than myself.

People who notice your silence. care about you.

Don't assume too much. if you expect less, you might hurt less.

60+ Best Billionaire quotes in 2020 | Billionaire captions - pixel captions

60+ Best Billionaire quotes in 2020 | Billionaire captions - pixel captions

They told me you can't pass this interview. so i became the boss.

Being alone has a power very few can handle.

When you build in silence, people don't know what to attack.

If it scares you it's a sign you need to do it.

Success hugs you in private. failure slaps you in public that's life.

King is king even without queen always remember that.

Your strongest muscle and your worst enemy, is your mind. train it well.

Don't let small minds tell you that your dreams are too big.

I am motivated by world's most powerful drug.. money.

Kids love superman men love batman but legends love joker.

I don't give anyone a reason to hate me. they create their own little drama out of jealousy

Thank you for not believing in me, it made me believe in myself.

If you see me less, i'm doing more.

You can't do epic shit with basic people.

Less people less bullshit.

Earn with your mind, not your time.

One day you'll call me and get a replay from my assistant.

Good things take time.

No time for negative and fake people.

Classy is not money it's attitude.

I will win, not immediately but definitely.

What others think of me is none of my business.

Depend on yourself make shit happen.

Build a life you don't need a vacation from.

Take the risk or lose the chance.

Being average is something i can't relate to.

Finish what you started.

Hustle or get hustled.

They laughed at my dreams now i laugh at their lifestyle.

It always seems impossible untill it is done.

I never liked easy.

Success is 80% attitude and 20% aptitude.

The less you care, the happier you'll be.

Don't forget the lifestyle you have promised to yourself.

I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.

Bro, buy a rose for yourself. take yourself on date. forgive yourself for your mistakes fall in love with yourself again.

Some will open your eyes and some will open your heart.

We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.

Money is the first need. love is the second.

I just need a person who can listen to me when i'm not talking.

Rejection is the injection of progression.

Being rich is having money. being wealthy is having time.

Everyone isn't proud of you. some are surprised that you made it big.

I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now i realize, it's a comedy.

Don't talk just prove them wrong.

Dear boys, no girl in this world is more important than your mom.

I work hard so that i can give my family the life i never had.

Nothing is more attractive than loyalty.

I'm a simple  person with a complicated mind and a sexy body.

They said i changed a lot. i said, a lot changed me.

When money speaks, nobody checks the grammar.

success is not lucky. success is built.

If you are important to her she will find a way. if not, she will find a way. if not, she will find an 

Nothing is stronger than a broken man rebulding himself.

Nothing saves money like being anti-social.

My goal is to build a life where i answer to no one.

Whatever you do, do it 100%.

I must be successful there is no other option.

One day, the people who didn't believe in you will tell others how they met you.

Less people = less drama keep your circle small.

Don't focus on other brands build your own brand.

Everything you wanted is on the other side of fear.

I love listening to lies when i know the truth.

Don't be one of a million. be one in a million.

Never lose the kid in you.

Trust yourself you've survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming.

Good women are hard to find because they are busy working.

I am loyal to who is loyal to me.

People only treat you one way. the way you allow them to.

It's business! leave your emotions at the door!

You never know how close you are so never give up on your dreams.

If you have the power to go alone in restaurant & cinema hall then you can do everything in your life.

The less we talk the more our words mean.

The less you care , the happier you will be.

Yes, i changed because the old version of me was so weak.

Suffer until you succeed.

Don't forget the lifestyle you have promised to yourself.

My back is not a voicemail. say it on my face.

My under eye area maybe dark but my future will be bright and that is more important.

Make friends who force you to level up.

Stop overthinking and creating problems that do not exist in the first place.

If you want to go big, stop thinking small.

I've never seen a hater doing better than me.

If she motivates the hell out of you, she is a keeper.

I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.

Best Gym Motivational Quotes in 2020


Girl quotes | Inspiring Quotes for Girls - pixel captions

 Girl quotes | Inspiring Quotes for Girls - pixel captions

Brave girl, never settle again.

You're a queen even if you don't have a king by your side.

She will remember the moments you made her feel loved more than the times you said " i love you".

She's queen with a little bit of savage.

I wish i could have stayed in your life, but i was too much and not enough at the same time.

Good girls are hard to find because they are busy in work.

Every girl has that one male friend in her life, with whom she can share everything without any fear.

Loyal girls are the best. but it's sad, they got hurt the most.

When she's happy, she can't stop talking, when she is sad she doesn't say a word.

If he wants you, he's not going to give another man the opportunity to get you.

A good woman will stay by your side no matter how matter how much you lie, cheat, or steal. that woman is your mother, not us.

She wanted to tell him she missed him but she knew it wouldn't change anything, so the kept pretending she didn't.

She is both hellfire and holy water. and the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.

Women love a man with a plan.

girls be like i don't care and then cry.

Girls can cry the whole night, but the next morning, she smile s like a  princess.

Each girl has that one guy she will never lose feelings for.

Move on dear, he is not your deatination.

I am strong, i am beautiful, i am enough.

It's not my fault you thought i was normal.

If you can't handle me when i'm moody you don't deserve my booty.

Establish Dominance with your therapist by making him cry first.

I'm a lady, i may be sick, twisted, and a major pervert but i'm still a lady.

Some girls are barie, i'm wednesday addams.

I'm sorry for the mean, awful, accurate thing i've said.

You look like something i drew with my left hand.

Once upon a time. fuck you. the end.

I work until gin o'clock.

If the gress is greener on the other side you can bet the water bill is higher.

I'm 99% angel but oooooh that 1%

Don't you hate when you have a glass of wine then you accidentally have six more.

Thigh gap? you mean beard slot?

I'm hiding from exercise i'm in the fitness programme.

Let me check my reciept, nope i didn't buy any of your bullshit.

They ask me how i do it all, wine and coffee sweethert wine and coffee.

Never do the same mistake twice unless he's hot.

It's nrarly time for my psychotic break.

I don't have a bad temper i don't i have a quick reaction to bullshit.

I would like to confirm that i don't care.

It must be hard putting makeup on two faces every day.

I've reached a point in my life where i need a stronger word than fuck.

Its ok that you don't like me not everyone has good taste.

Do you workout i run my mouth alot....

Yeah i probably could calm down but i like being a sarcastic bitch to much.

My nickname is gillette because i am best a guy can get... also i will fucking kill you.

If someone treats you like a joke, leave them like it's funny.

Siri, remove my makeup.

Fuck love tonight i am falling in tequilia.

This working every day bullshit is making me violent.

70+ Best Love Quotes | Romantic Love Quotes for Special Someone - pixel captions

 Best Love Quotes | Romantic Love Quotes for Special Someone - pixel captions

Now i have you, i don't want anyone else.

Past is past but future is ours.

You are the person i don't want to lose..

Your are everything to me in this universe.

I hope you stay and never leave me.

I truly love you, nobody can change that.

Even distance can't seperate us.

You are a kind of soul i was ever wish for.

With you, love will never end.

Love would mean nothing without you.

I love you, not only for today but for forever.

I see my future in your eyes.

Baby, you're my heaven.

I love you, and that's the beginning and end of everything.

My biggest fear of life is to lode you.

All my favorite days are the ones spent with you.

I want you, i need you & i love you 

The best thing about this life is that i met you.

I am so grateful to have a part of your life.

Love was just a word, you gave it meaning for me.

You have a place in my heart that no once else ever could have.

I have loved you with my whole heart.

Promise, we'll always stay together.

Seeing you for a second makes my day.

I'm all yours.. forever.

We'll hold our love to the end.

I lost myself in love of yours.

Each day i love you more.

When i'm with you, i'm a different person.

If i did anything right in my life, it was when i gave my heart to you.

You are, without any doubt, my other half.

You are my heaven on earth.

You are the world of my world.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

You came into my life and became it.

I care about you, you are mine, don't ever leave my side.

Nobody feels like you.

I will put all my efforts to be with you.

I thank god everytime because he give me you.

Want you and need you in my arms.

Taking care of you is my duty for whole life.

Your presence makes my soul happy.

Loving you is the best thing i have ever done in my life.

Stay in my life and i swear you'll never regret.

You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about.

I am so blessed to have you.

My heart beasts for you.

I'm so ready for our future together.

I don't want anyone else to have your heart.

My happiness is in seeing you happy.

My goal is to marry you and have kids with you.

Never let me go.

What i have with you, i don't want with anyone lese.

God has made us for each other.

You are a never ending thought in my mind.

Let the world go to hell, we are enough for each other.

Lies will never lie between us.

You're what i want and need.

For me, you are more than enough.

Stay with me.

I will show my love for you in every possible way.

Never leave my hand love.

If i got another life, i'll try to find you sooner.

I love you, not only for today but for forever.

My day is not complete, if i don't tell you i love you

You are exactly what i waited for.

I promise,i am forever yours.

Baby, you are perfect for me.

I'll always love you like it's the beginning.

I choose you for the rest of my life.

I will keep choosing you again is again.

We are blessed to be together.

It was you it is you it will be always you.

I will never get tired of you.

You are my whole world to me.

Nobody can ever replace you.

Nothing can hold me from loving you and wanting you.

Things are better when we are together.

You have me, until my last breath.

All i want is to make you mine forever.

My heart is yours and it will be always yours.

I can loose everything but not you.

I love you, and that's the beginning and end of everything.

This world feels so empty when you're not with me.

I want to spend my all future days with you.

I need you in my life, i love you the most.

You have a permanent place in my heart, it is impossible to don't miss you.

Hold my hand and i promise to never leave you.

And suddenly you were become my everything.

Babygirl, care for all my pains is only you.

I wish you were here or i was there.

You are the reason, i believe in love.

You & me equals world's best couple.

You know exactly how to make me smile.

My biggest fear is to lose you.

You came into my life and became it.

I want to marry you and disturb you for the rest of my life.

I feel so lucky that we met.

You are more than perfect for me.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made for me.

I'm yours until the end of this world.

My wish is that you will always be mine.

Your arms are my most favorite place in the world.

You will always be my first priority.

You make me feel special and i love that feeling.

Magic happens when you smile.

You are a blessing in my life.

The thought of marry you is stuck in my head.

You are everything to me in this universe.

I am endlessly in love with you.

I will not leave your hand till the end.

My love for you will never die.

You mean more to me than any other person.

I don't want anyone like you, i want you.

You are the reason i believe in love.

I'll always choose you over everyone.

With you, love will never end.


110+ Best Great men Quotes in 2020 | Quotes - pixel captions

Best Great men Quotes in 2020 | Quotes - pixel captions

I understand you are busy but your active now and still not replying back, simply tears me apart.

Work hard untill you feel would tour is cheap.

Surround yourself with people who make you better.

I am alone because i know people.

The best relationship aren't posted all over social media.

When life fuck you. it's your choice to take it as a fun or rape.

Work smart, act like you don't notice anything.

Don't judge me choices if you don't understand my reasons.

They want to fly first class, i want to own the plane.

It's the quite observer who sees the most.

Nothing is more important than loyalty.

Instead of crying after breakup get membership in brazzers.

Bro money is a tool not the goal don't forget that.

Music helps me when no one else does.

A child will follow your example more than your advice.

Women is art but i am a science student.

Let them hate. just make sure they spell your name right.

I hope this day never comes.

I told you what hurts me the most and you did it perfectly.

The guy with no haters.

Get up bro you are not born just to cry for girl and die.

One day you will realize that i am the one who's always been there.

Before you get attached to anyone, be prepared if they leave.  

When they left, they left a lesson.

I love listening to lies when i know the truth.

Women don't care about you when you are alone. they only care about you when they are alone.

I don't care how beautiful you are if your personality is ugly, you're ugly.

Never lose the kid in you.

Sweet as sugar cold as ice hurt me once i'll break you twice.

Don't let two women teach you the same lesson.

Being alone is a power, very few can handle.

Try removing your birthday from social media and no one will wish you expect mom.

Years changed players changed but sending the ball out of the park still no changed. he proved age doesn't matters at all.

Most of the men are heartbroken, even without dating a girl.

No one made me, i made me.

Playboys are not born bad, they are developed by some bad girls in the name of love.

Find someone you can build with not just chill with.

6 months of focus and hardwork can put you 5 years ahead of life.

Whether it';s a goal or winning a game, i'm never satisfied.

Grades doesn't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity.

Others people's opinions don't pay the bills.

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

It's you vs you! make sure you win.

Be like an otp, so no one can use you twice.

I feel sorry for the new guy who posted a selfie with her.

Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it actually takes.

Stop texting her first and see how you will never talk to her again.

Once again money, fame and looks couldn't buy happiness.

The reality has proven to be so different than what we see from the outside.

Girls are like moon, part of them age always hidden.

Be somebody nobody thought you could be.

Now i don't make mistakes because i already dated them.

Never run for a bus, train or woman, because when one leaves, another arrives.

No pain, no gain one aim, own game.

Comeback is always greater than setback.

Every master was once a beginner.

The limit is not in the sky, the limit is in the mind.

Don't cry for her, she killed your smile.

My speed limit depends on my mood and music i'm hearing.

Thanks for the pain, it made me raise my game.

If you want to live like a king then you have to work like a slave.

You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want.

They may forget your birthday, but your fans will never forget.

Lonely is not being alone, it's the feeling that no one cares.

Sun is alone too, but it still shines.

I lost you, but i found me so i win.

Yes, i'm stupid and the reason is i trusted you.

Bro trust me, your goals are higher than the standard of these girls.

Every story has a moral, mine was never to fall in love again.

Love is like tornado, once you got stucked better be ready to get fucked.

Daddy's money can't buy you balls.

Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.

Today i saw our old chats and fucking realized that how stupid i was.

Actually i'm not single. i'm in open relationship with success,

She rejected me because of my looks now her son is fan of my looks.

Everyone is gangstar until the real gangster arrives.

If you are happy with your work, fuck what people think.
Bro, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the world stop lying to your girlfriend.

I sit down and think that how easily i was fooled by you babe.

Girlfriend is only found in the life of fools.

A real man knows that one woman is enough.

If i'm your plan 'b' then you are my plan 'bye'.

Makeup makes women better, breakup makes man better.

If lying was a job i know some people who would be a billionaire.

Be like an otp, so no one can use you twice.

Be a man who deal with business not with drama.

I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and i had water then i'd drink it.

When you're happy you enjoy the music, when you're sad you understand the lyrics.

Maturity comes with experience not age.

It's you vs you. make sure you win.

Do less with more focus.

Stop caring and she will stop hurting.

Nope baby, no time for your bullshit today.

Not happy not sad, just empty.

She doesn't care about you when you are alone. she only care about you when she is alone.

Work hard until you feel world tour is cheap.

You didn't replay but i got your message.

Go to sleep bro, she is not thinking about you.

Strong man don't have attitude, they have standard.

You lose lot of friends when you get serious about life and goals.

Love can be fake, but the hate is always real.

Love is easy but king is busy.

Cars  excite me more than girls.

One day or day one its your choice.

For you, i was a chapter. for me,